So Worth It

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
The sickness that has been floating around our friends and family has been awful. Over the weekend and specifically Tuesday I decided to join in on the fun!
I have had the stomach flu. I have never been one to catch anything like that very badly but this really knocked me down....I'm guessing because I have another person that's trying to live inside of me.
I called my OB at about 4:30 Tuesday evening and told the nurse that I couldn't even keep a sip of water down. She said...ok need to go to the Emergency Room.
So off we went. When we arrived we were supposedly the first ones in line because by blood pressure was in pretty bad shape. Two hours later they finally brought us back to our room and put me on some meds to get me rehydrated and then they started an IV to get me to stop being sick. Then the doctor gave us a pleasant little surprise. He asked if we wanted to hear the heartbeat or anything to make sure the baby was ok and of course we said yes. Then he said that he could do better than that and could let us see our baby instead. We were so excited. My doctor had told me on Monday that she didn't want me to have a sonogram until I had hit 18 weeks so this was very welcomed.
He brought the machine in right away and we got to see our baby for the first time! It was so awesome! It was just bouncing around in there, probably really pissed at me for the hell I put it through. Then it waved it's little hand and put it's thumb right in it's mouth! It was so cool. The doctor had perfect timing in snapping the baby's first picture's thumb is still in it's you can see below :)
Even better was that Brian and I got to have our own little moment seeing our baby without any distractions.
Now I have reached prepregnancy weight, am completely sore, and have a rediculous headache, but I would take the stomach flu any day to see that sweet baby again. It was so worth it.

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