Elliana Joy Fantasma

Friday, October 17, 2008
Once again...I'm horrible at updating this thing!

After 15 hours of labor we had our sweet baby girl three weeks ago today on September 26th at 11:22am. She was 7lbs 13oz...19 1/2 inches long and had a full head of hair!!!

Life has been great since bringing our Elliana home. She sleeps SO well and eats like a little piggie...it is amazing how quickly she has grown!! She has blessed us with little smiles in her sleep since day one...each smile simply melts our hearts!

I will update with some more pictures of our princess soon but I just really wanted to share with you all the lovely note that my best friend wrote for Ella. We were priviledged to have her in the delivery room with us when we welcomed our baby into the world and in response this is what she wrote for her:

To Ella,

Dear baby girl,

I was honored to see you born the other day. To see you enter the world, hear you take your first breaths and watch you become more loved in your first minutes than you'll probably ever realize.You were prayed for way before any of us ever knew you were on the way. Your mom and dad were faithful to seek God's face every night because they desired you so much. Your aunts, uncles, grandparents and other friends pleaded with God to bring you here. Even when we thought there was a chance we might not ever meet you, we had faith and God answered our prayers and the desires of your mom and dad's hearts. Your name carries that legacy.As your Aunt B, there are so many things that I want to teach you. As a little person, I wish there was a way to give you a crash course on life right now, before the world comes in and tries to convince you otherwise. And while I know that's unrealistic, here are a couple of the most important things I want you to know:

You're beautiful and you have been from the very second you were born. Your skin tone, hair, eyes, mouth and nose are absolutely perfect. Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise. Don't compare yourself to the other girls on the billboards or TV. They're not you, they looked differently when they were born, and you're absolutely the way God intended you to be.
Your mom and dad love you so much. I know that as you get older, you might not believe it all of the time, but it's true. Your dad locks the doors not to prison you in, but to protect you (he was doing it before you got here.) Their rules and guidelines are there to help you grow, even though they might not feel like it.

Live for your passions. Find out what you're good at and what you love - and focus on that. Don't let the world tell you you're not good enough. Just keep going. If you love to sing, sing your heart out with your mom. If you're into sports, play with Uncle Mikey. If you love to bake, go to Aunt Heather's. If you want to kickbox, come with Aunt B. If you draw, paint, learn karate, love pottery, go fishing, play soccer, or whatever it is - do it with all your might. Don't give up when it seems hard. It will set you back years that you can't get back.

Love Jesus. Little girl, you were born in 2008 for a specific reason. You're here because throughout your lifetime, you will meet so many other people and your job is to keep telling others about Jesus. Know that He loves you. He died for you. And the only thing to make sense of world that gets crazier by the minute is to cling to your relationship with Him. Put effort into knowing him. Be still and let Him talk to you.

Know that everything happens for a reason. Life is hard, and it's easy to see all of the bad and none of the good when you're in pain. But remember that God works for the good of all things, and right around the corner will be a blessing in disguise. Keep the faith. When I got sick and found out I couldn't have my own kids, I could have been really sad and mad at God. But He had blessings in store for me that will far outweigh any loss I feel. Your mom and dad have become lifelong friends who gave me an opportunity that only David and Jonathan-like friends do, I watched you come into the world. To become family with someone who's not your blood-family is a supernatural experience I hope you have one day. I don't wish pain, sickness, grief or anything bad ever happens to you. But know that when it comes (because it will) - that you can make it through and there is a bag of blessings beyond your belief on the other side.
I love you and I will always fight for you. You're precious and I'm so glad you're here,


Aunt B

Brian, Elliana, and I are so blessed to have Mike and Danielle in our lives and are looking forward to sharing our family with them in the future. We couldn't ask for better friends!!!

1 Response to "Elliana Joy Fantasma"

  1. danielle Says:

    Aww thanks for putting what I wrote on here. That's awesome. I have intentions of printing it out and giving it to her sometime.

    I tagged you on my blog. You'll have to play along. You can even do 7 things about Ella, that would be fun!