It's the little things...

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Lately I have been noticing the lovely little things that God does to make our days a little brighter. 

As many of you know, I am a die hard coffee drinker. I have gotten myself down to drinking only a cup or two a day, but that cup or two 
is one of the things that gets me through the day. Most people dread rolling out of bed to start another day, but when I wake up I actually smile to myself as I think about playing with my baby girl and sipping that warm tasty treat. It became even more special a few weeks ago when I realized that my coffee stock was starting to dwindle. I brewed more sparingly and tried to stretch it out as much as I could but couldn't avoid the inevitable. I am going to run out of coffee. Me being me, could not rationalize spending $9 on one pound of coffee that wouldn't last me that long when that money could just as easily go towards the actual necessities. I made a deal with myself that I could not buy any more until I made some extra photography income that wasn't already allotted to something else. The next morning I got up and in my quiet time and asked God to just let some coffee show up at my doorstep. I then finished getting ready for the day and went out to run errands. When I got home I saw a small box on the doorstep. I excused that it was probably the replacement part for something in the basement and quickly forgot that it was there. Brian brought it inside when he went to get the mail and said..."it's from your grandparents." I wasn't expecting anything from them so I opened it excitedly. As soon as I broke the tape across the top of the box I could smell a familiar fresh roasted aroma. Inside was a sweet note from my Grandparents along with a check for birthday money and three boxes of Gevalia whole bean coffee. I was blown away. There it was. Coffee at my doorstep. Just like I had asked. 
First was the obvious. My grandparents are the best. Their phone calls just for the heck of it and thoughtful care packages make me wish that they lived closer so I could hug them every time I think of them. Second was the more obvious. God answers prayers. Even the smallest request. He delights in delighting us. 
Now every time I brew a pot of deliciousness I thank God for the love he lavishes on us and for my amazing grandparents who, even though they don't live in town, take time to bless me with the little things. 

1 Response to "It's the little things..."

  1. danielle Says:

    Now that is awesome!!